Story Sunday

9:04 AM

Marisa's Life Story

Chapter five


Then we went straight to the councilor and told her what happened, and she then told us that we were right and the teacher was wrong because she is not allowed to photo us on her phone. So after that the councilor went to the teachers room and told her everything and told her to delete the photo from her phone and she said "I already deleted it, and why would I even want photos of you people in my phone I don't even know you" we were so mad because she told us that she won't delete it but then she said to the councilor that she deleted it she is the most annoying teacher in the world and she is the biggest liar she lied to us and maybe even to the councilor.

    Then me, Sara, Jasmin, Karla, and Nora went to art class and we had to draw a persons face it was so hard, my persons face looked so weird it was all wrong, but Yomna's was incredible, and that was all that happened today see you tomorrow.

To be continued next week stay tuned next week...

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Author: Sarah

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